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Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities

Our Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities is an accredited qualification on which you will learn how to support and communicate effectively with individuals with learning disabilities, as well as promote inclusivity, positive behaviour, and person-centred support. It also covers an understanding of the autistic spectrum and the various support needs of individuals on it.

This qualification aligns with the Learning Disabilities Core Skills Education and Training Framework, which was funded and commissioned by the Department of Health and developed in collaboration with Skills for Health, Health Education England (HEE), and Skills for Care. It covers both tier 1 and a range of tier 2 outcomes outlined in the updated Learning Disability Framework, which is jointly commissioned by Health Education England and NHS England.

The six modules are theory based, provided as a remote learning opportunity with assignments, workbooks and resources provided.

Course Details

Qualification Name: Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities (RQF)
Accreditation: iCQ OfQual recognised qualification
OfQual Qualification Accreditation Number (QAN): 603/5001/5
Average time to completion: 8 to 12 weeks

Course Content

Module 1

Understand the context of supporting individuals with learning disabilities

Understand the legislation and policies that support the human rights and inclusion of individuals with learning disabilities

  1. Identify legislation and policies that promote human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with learning disabilities
  2. Explain how this legislation and policies influence the day-to-day experiences of individuals with learning disabilities and their families
  3. Outline the government initiatives that are in place to improve outcomes for people with learning disabilities

Understand learning disability

  1. Define the term learning disability
  2. State the causes of learning disabilities
  3. Identify learning disabilities that are caused by these factors.
    • Chromosome and genetic anomalies
    • Maternal infections
    • Environmental/societal issues
    • Precipitated or prolonged labour
    • Prematurity, Environmental, i.e., abuse, neglect
    • Infection
  4. State the approximate proportion of individuals with a learning disability for whom the cause is not known

Know the different models of disability

  1. Describe the medical and social models of disability
  2. Explain how the social model of disability is put into practice
  3. Identify the importance of early identification and assessment of learning disabilities

Understand the historical context of learning disability

  1. Explain the types of services that have been provided for individuals with learning disabilities
  2. Describe how past ways of working may affect present services
  3. Identify some of the key changes in the lives of individuals who have learning disabilities in the following areas:
    • where people live
    • daytime activities
    • employment
    • sexual relationships and parenthood
    • the provision of healthcare

Understand how views and attitudes impact on the lives of individuals with learning disabilities and their family carers

  1. Describe the possible impact on a family of having a member with a learning disability
  2. Explain how attitudes are changing in relation to individuals with learning disabilities
  3. Give examples of positive and negative aspects of being labelled as having a learning disability
  4. Identify steps that can be taken to promote positive attitudes towards individuals with learning disabilities and their family carers
  5. Explain the role of external agencies and others in changing attitudes, policy and practice

Module 2

Understand how to promote inclusion and effective communication when supporting individuals with learning disabilities

Understand the importance of addressing inequalities for children, young people and adults with learning disabilities

  1. Describe legislation and codes of practice relating to equality, diversity and discrimination apply in own role
  2. Define:
    • Diversity
    • Equality
    • Inclusion
    • Discrimination
    • Ethnicity
    • Religion
  3. Identify ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in a learning disability setting
  4. Identify ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the local community
  5. Explain how to support equality and inclusion and reduce the likelihood of discrimination
  6. Explain how discrimination should be challenged

Understand the basic principles and practice of advocacy, empowerment and active participation in relation to supporting individuals with learning disabilities and their families

  1. Explain the meaning of the term social inclusion
  2. Explain the meaning of the term advocacy
  3. Describe different types of advocacy
  4. Describe ways to build empowerment and active participation into everyday support with individuals with learning disabilities

Understand the stigma, myths and stereotypes associated with learning disability

  1. Describe the stigma, myths and stereotypes associated with learning disability
  2. Explain the impact that discrimination and stigma may have on the life of the person with a learning disability, their family and carers
  3. Identify the prevalence of disability hate crime
  4. Outline the steps to report incidents of disability hate crime
  5. Describe systems and processes that promote diversity, equality and inclusion in your own role

Understand why communication is critical for supporting the autonomy, wellbeing and quality of life of people with learning disabilities

  1. Explain the importance of effective communication for individuals with a learning disability
  2. Review different methods of communication
  3. Outline barriers to communication individuals with a learning disability may have
  4. Describe ways to overcome communication barriers
  5. Identify the importance of non-verbal communication e.g. body language, signing, visual images and the appropriate use of touch
  6. Explain why it is important to use language that is both age appropriate and ability appropriate when communicating with individuals with learning disabilities
  7. Describe ways of checking whether an individual has understood a communication, and how to address any misunderstandings 8 Review a range of assistive technologies to support an individual communicate effectively

Module 3

The principles of persons centred support

Understand how active support translates values into person-centred practical action with an individual

  1. State the importance of a person-centred approach when working with people with a learning disability
  2. Compare the characteristics associated with active support and the hotel model in relation to an individual’s support
  3. Describe adjustments which may be necessary when supporting people with learning disabilities in a practical context to:
    • promote an individual’s independence
    • support informed choices
    • improve quality of life

Know the importance of supporting health and well-being for an individual with a learning disability

  1. Describe the importance of promoting positive health and wellbeing for people with learning disabilities
  2. Give examples of activities which could be undertaking with the individual to support their own understanding of their health and well-being needs
  3. Identify the support an individual with a learning disability may need when experiencing significant transitions in their lives

Know the principles for supporting independence in the tasks of daily living for people with learning disabilities

  1. State the principles of supporting independence for an individual with a learning disability
  2. Explain how to support people with learning disabilities to continue their interests, social life and community involvement
  3. Describe why this is important to support an individual to continue their interests, social life and community involvement

Understand how to use person-centred records to evaluate an individual’s participation in activities

  1. Outline how to develop a person-centred record with an individual with a learning disability
  2. Explain what different methods of support an individual may need in developing their own persons centred support plan
  3. Describe the steps which can be taken to effectively review the support plan with the individual
  4. Explain the changes required to improve the quality of an individual’s participation to promote independence, informed choice and a valued life

Know how to interact positively with individuals to promote participation

  1. Explain how individuals are assessed to identify the support they need to participate in a range of activities
  2. Describe how you can use task analysis to break a range of activities into manageable steps for an individual
  3. Evaluate different ways of positively reinforcing an individual’s participation in a range of activities
  4. Outline methods to evaluate an individual’s interaction to participation in a range of activities

Understand support networks

  1. Identity a range of support networks for an individual with a learning disability or their family to access
    • In the local area
    • National support groups
  2. Describe when and how to signpost people with learning disabilities and their families and carers to other services and support
  3. Explain how individuals and organisations should work together to prevent abuse and neglect and to ensure the safety and wellbeing people with learning disabilities

Module 4

Understand positive risk taking and safeguarding in learning disability care

Understand that individuals with disabilities have the same right as everyone else to take risks

  1. Explain how risk taking is an integral part of everyday life
  2. Give examples of different daily risks an individual may take
  3. Explain why, traditionally, people with learning disabilities have been discouraged or prevented from taking risks
  4. Describe the links between risk-taking and responsibility, empowerment and social inclusion

Understand the importance of a positive, person-centred approach to risk assessment

  1. Describe the process of developing a positive person-centred approach to risk assessment with the individual
  2. Explain why the individual should have choices and control over their decisions
  3. Explain how a service focused approach to risk assessment would differ from a person-centred approach
  4. Identify the consequences for the individual of a service focused approach to risk-assessment
  5. Identify dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and a person with a learning disability’s rights and family and carers wishes
  6. Describe ways of handling conflict when discussing and making decisions about risk

Understand the legal and policy framework underpinning an individual with disabilities right to make decisions and take risks

  1. Explain how legislation, national and local policies and guidance provide a framework for decision making which can support an individual to have control over their own lives

Understand the importance of considering with an individual with learning disabilities the risks associated with the choices they make

  1. Explain how to support individuals to recognise and manage potential risks
  2. Explain the importance of balancing the choices of the individual with their own and others health and safety
  3. Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice when supporting individuals to take risks
  4. Explain the importance of recording all discussions and decisions made

Know how to protect an individual with learning disabilities from abuse, exploitation or harm

  1. Analyse why individuals with learning disabilities may be at risk of different forms of abuse, exploitation and harm
  2. Outline a range of factors which may indicate neglect, abusive or exploitative practice
  3. Describe the risks associated with the internet and online social networking
  4. Identify ways to reduce the likelihood of abuse for people with learning disabilities
  5. Explain what to do if neglect, abusive or exploitative practice is suspected, including how to raise concerns within local safeguarding or whistle blowing procedure
  6. Describe how to recognise and report unsafe practices in a learning disability setting

Module 5

Supporting people with a learning disability and autism

Understand the main characteristics of autistic spectrum conditions

  1. Explain why it is important to recognise that each person on the autistic spectrum has their own individual abilities, needs, strengths, gifts and interests
  2. Analyse the main diagnostic features of autistic spectrum conditions, commonly known as the ‘triad of impairments’
  3. Explain the meaning of the term ‘spectrum’ in relation to autism by reference to the notions of sub-conditions and individual variation within the autistic spectrum
  4. Describe the sensory and perceptual difficulties commonly experienced by individuals with an autistic spectrum condition
  5. Describe other conditions that may be associated with the autistic spectrum
  6. Describe how language and intellectual abilities vary between individuals and sub-groups across the spectrum

Understand how autistic spectrum conditions can impact on the lives of individuals and those around them

  1. Describe ways in which autism can impact on the everyday lives of individuals, their parents/carers and siblings, and others close to them
  2. Explain how autistic spectrum conditions can impact on individuals differently according to factors such as their gender, ethnicity and social, cultural and religious environment
  3. Explain how stereotyped views, discrimination and a lack of understanding of autistic spectrum conditions can compound the difficulties already experienced by individuals and their families
  4. Describe ways of helping an individual and/or their parent/carer/siblings/partner to understand their autistic spectrum condition

Understand different theories and concepts about autism

  1. Explain theories about autism related to:
    • brain function and genetics
    • psychology
  2. Explain why there are alternative choices when using terminology used to describe the autism spectrum
  3. Describe the strengths and limitations of different types of terminology
  4. Explain the contributions of autism rights groups and the implications of their views for the support of individuals with an autistic spectrum condition
  5. Outline controversies concerning the search for cures and interventions for autistic spectrum conditions and for pre-natal diagnosis
  6. Explain why it is important to take into account individual differences in views of what is important in life, and how this might be especially important when supporting individuals on the autistic spectrum

Understand the legal and policy framework that underpins good practice in the support of individuals with autistic spectrum conditions

  1. Identify what legislation and national and local policy and guidance exists
  2. Explain what the legislation, national and local policy and guidance applies to
  3. Explain the ways in which legislation and national and local policy and guidance may differ according to an individual’s particular needs

Understand how to achieve effective communication with individuals with an autistic spectrum condition

  1. Give examples of how challenging behaviour can be a way of expressing emotions where there are communication differences
  2. Describe methods and systems used to develop and support an individual’s communication
  3. Explain how to maximise the effectiveness of own communication

Understand how to support individuals with an autistic spectrum condition

  1. Explain why it is important to establish a person-centred plan with an individual with an autistic spectrum condition
  2. Explain why consultation with families/parents/carers is important in person-centred planning and support
  3. Describe different techniques and approaches used to support individuals with an autistic spectrum condition to learn and develop new skills
  4. Explain how to reduce sensory overload, or increase sensory stimulation, by making adaptations to the physical and sensory environment
  5. Explain ways of helping an individual with an autistic spectrum condition to protect themselves from harm
  6. Explain how needs change for individuals and their families at different stages of their lives
  7. Describe the role that advocacy can play in the support of individuals with an autistic spectrum condition

Module 6

Understand how to promote positive behaviour

Understand how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relate to positive behaviour support

  1. Identify legislation, frameworks and codes of practice that are relevant to positive behavioural support
  2. Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relating to positive behaviour support are applied in own role

Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies

  1. Explain proactive and reactive strategies
  2. Identify the proactive and reactive strategies that are used within own work role
  3. Explain the importance of maintaining a person-centred approach when establishing proactive strategies
  4. Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals
  5. Outline the impact on an individual’s well-being of using reactive rather than proactive strategies

Know what is meant by ‘restrictive practice’ and the safeguards for individuals

  1. Define what is meant by restrictive interventions
  2. Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used
  3. Explain who needs to be informed of any incidents where restrictive interventions have been used
  4. Explain why the least restrictive interventions should always be used when dealing with incidents of challenging behaviour
  5. Describe safeguards that must be in place if restrictive physical interventions are used

Understand the context of challenging behaviour

  1. Define the term ‘challenging behaviour’
  2. Identify types of challenging behaviour
  3. Analyse key factors that lead to a behaviour being defined as challenging
  4. Summarise key environmental risk factors for challenging behaviours
  5. Describe what is meant by the term ‘behavioural triggers’
  6. Explain how slow and fast triggers contribute to challenging behaviour
  7. Explain how active support can help prevent challenging behaviour by improving an individual’s quality of life

Know how to support individuals and others following an incident of challenging behaviour

  1. Explain the steps that are taken to maintain the dignity of and respect for an individual when responding to an incident of challenging behaviour
  2. Describe the role of reinforcement in maintaining positive behaviour
  3. Identify appropriate steps to support an individual to reflect on an incident of challenging behaviour
  4. Describe the complex feelings that may be experienced by others involved or that witness an incident of challenging behaviour

Understand the reporting and recording requirements

  1. Describe the importance of reporting and recording incidents of behaviour
  2. Identify what should be recorded following an incident of challenging behaviour

Understand positive behavioural support plans

  1. Outline how incidents of behaviours are reviewed and evaluated
  2. Explain the purpose and importance of positive behaviour support plans for individuals
  3. Identify the key components of a positive behaviour support plan for individuals

Enrolment and Delivery

Please use our enquiry form or contact us by telephone if you have any queries about this qualification or would like to express an interest to enrol onto this course. A member of our team will be happy to answer any questions, help to make sure this course is right for you and/or your staff team, and talk you through what is involved in enrolment and course completion.

Upon enrolment, you will be assigned a personal tutor who will assist you through achieving successful and meaningful completion of your award. All of the electronic resources, workbooks and assignments required for you to complete the course will be emailed to you for you to commence working with at a time of your convenience. Your tutor will work with you to set targets and milestones that are achievable for you and will check in with you regularly, providing assistance whenever necessary.

On successful completion of your award, your assessor will coordinate with the awarding body for the issuance of your certificates, which will be promptly delivered to you.


Including Assignment, Workbook and Resources:

The full cost of this qualification is £180 per person which is duly invoiced at the point of enrolment.

Upon completion and certification of this qualification, the certificate(s) for your staff members will be sent to you.

Quality Assurance

This Level 3 Certificate in Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities is accredited to the Regulated Qualification Framework (RQF), the new framework for creating and accrediting qualifications in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (OfQual) regulates this qualification, examinations and assessments in England.

Complete Training is an approved registered centre with the OFQUAL regulated awarding organisation ‘I Can Qualify‘ (iCQ). All our qualifications are subject to both internal and external quality assurance processes to ensure we meet all of the awarding body specifications. All course materials are developed to meet the specific outcomes that make up the full qualification.

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